Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
On 18 Mar 2014, at 11:42, Pharo4Stef <> wrote:

yes but my projects are often not related.
What I mean is: make a meta Metacello configuration, ConfigurationOfStef, that loads everything you need by dependency.

I will try to add a menu in the configurationBrowser to generate nice information such as

Gofer it 
	smalltalkhubUser: 'MartinDias' project: 'Epicea';
	configuration; loadStable.

Gofer it 
	smalltalkhubUser: 'DamienCassou' project: 'Pier-Gutemberg';
	package: 'ConfigurationOfCatalog'; 
That would be a nice add on.


On 18 Mar 2014, at 11:14, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:

One way to do this (restore all your own stuff in a new image) is to use a single configuration ... 

On 18 Mar 2014, at 11:08, Pharo4Stef <> wrote:

Hi guys

I’m starting to get bored to always reload my projects in new images.
I would like to have a simple button to say 
	Save script to reload on a project

Does any of you implement such behavior?
Else I will do it.


Maybe the Configuration Browser could tag configurations to be loaded in every new image.  If the Startup scripts set a shared global package cache directory [1], that information could be stored there.

btw, How common is it to have a shared global package cache directory. Should that be default? What would detract from that?

cheers -ben


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