Stephan Eggermont wrote:
Ben wrote in response to my questions
cmd+crt+left/right arrow
Ah thank you. That works to switch back all the way to the package pane. The package pane captures
cmd+ctrl+left arrow and translates it into up on the selection.

How do I open the menu on one of the top panes in Nautilus?
Do you need menu when you have shortcut for menu items?
Hmm, good question. Mostly to have keyboard access to refactorings.
Shortcuts would work there too. Once I had the ability to navigate
the menu with the keyboard I expected to be able to open it.

How do I open the History navigator?
By tabbing to it and pressing arrow down?
That doesn’t work for me. (Mavericks mac, 30798 with slice 13100)

I’d expect groups and hierarchy to be selectable with a key combination
when the packages pane is selected.
They are
Ah found them. cmd-t-g cmd-t-p cmd-t-h
Let me rephrase that: can we have a way to discover that? Perhaps info on hover or so?



For Pharo 4 I've suggested this...
Any ideas to add to it?
cheers -ben

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