Benjamin wrote
>since I do not really like the new buttons introduced in Nautilus,
>and since the previous one were broken, I propose this new set 
>of buttons based on the eclipse theme.

Would you be so kind to explain what you do not like about them,
and compare to both the earlier ones and this proposal?
- I don’t like that they don’t adapt good enough to the chosen theme,
  they only fit with the Pharo3Theme;
- I don’t like that they do not show well that S and B provide two
  mutually exclusive views while I and C provide direct actions;
- I don’t like that they don’t show well when they can be used;
- I don’t iike that S and B don’t show the current state well
- I don’t like that you need the help text on hover to understand
  what they are for.
- I don’t like the alignment. This browser I look at so much, it 
  deserves to have the letters aligned vertically correctly (visually,
  so C a few pixels to the left, I to the right);
The main advantages they have in my opinion are:
- They fit the theme;
- They take much less attention away from the contents.


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