On May 3, 2014, at 8:11 AM, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

> https://stripe.com/blog/stripe-open-source-retreat

Woha, right there you have a chance to bring Smalltalk to the heart of San 

We’ll give a grant to a small number of developers to come to San Francisco to 
work full-time on an open-source project for a period of 3 months. They’ll have 
space in our SF office. We’ll ask that they give a couple of internal tech 
talks over the course of the program (ideally focused on what they’re working 
on), but otherwise it’ll be no-strings-attached.

We’re looking for projects where this grant can make an especially large 
difference. Maybe it’s a rapidly-growing project where the maintainer can 
currently barely find time for bugfixes. Maybe it’s a crazy experimental idea 
that needs to be tried out in practice. Or maybe it’s some infrastructure that 
every company currently builds in-house.

We’ll select projects using the following criteria:

Impact of our grant. Does our grant have the ability to transform this 
project’s trajectory? Are you an influencer within the project? Will your 
ability to focus on it full-time move the project forward in some significant 
Importance of the project. Is this a project that people already use and has 
attracted a lot of attention? If this project isn’t itself popular yet, how 
much potential does it have? Is it a project that, while possibly risky, would 
be particularly exciting if successful?
Likelihood of success. Is there a good plan for how these 3 months will be 
used? What indicators are there that you’ll be able to pull it off (obvious 
passion for the project, existing work on the project, previous work on similar 
Parameters of the program
The program will run from September 1st until December 1st, 2014. (Those exact 
dates are flexible if need be.)
The grant will be $7,500 per month. We’ll also provide meals at our office 
during the week.
To apply
Please send an email to open-source-retr...@stripe.com. Please include a 
writeup explaining why we should select you. We’d be particularly interested to 

Some context around the project. What does it do? Who uses it? Why is it 
Your history with this project. Why is it important to you personally? What 
contributions have you made to it? What makes you well-suited to working on it?
A link to the project. (It must already exist, though it might be early-stage.)
Why this grant will make a difference for you. Why are you interested in 
Your plan for those 3 months. What will you actually spend your time on? Be 
detailed if useful, but we mostly want to have a sense of what will actually 
get done as opposed to a day-by-day projection.
Applications will be accepted until the end of May 31st (UTC-11). We’ll select 
a batch of finalists and do a round of Skype interviews before choosing the 

We’re targeting two participants to start, though we may end up with more or 
fewer depending on applications. We’ll select projects based on their 
importance broadly rather than importance to Stripe in particular.

While decisions will be based on impact and merit, we’d be especially psyched 
to fund people from backgrounds often underrepresented in the open-source 
community. We also will accept applicants from outside the United States (and 
do what we can to help out with visas).

We’re excited to see how this program develops. If you’ve any questions or 
suggestions about how we could make it better, feel free to drop us an email.

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