
this is a nice example and the video is great. It shows again what we can do if 
we model problem domains properly. I really need to have a look at your and 
Doru’s code. 

well done,


Am 16.06.2014 um 17:29 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <>:

> Hi,
> Here is a concrete example of how cool object logging can be. In the current 
> development version, Zinc HTTP Components announces a number of ZnLogEvent 
> objects while either ZnClient or ZnServer operates. One of those is 
> ZnServerTransactionEvent, which signals the completion of a single HTTP 
> transaction (request/response pair) by the server. By subscribing to this 
> specific event through Zinc's Announcer, we can simply count the number of 
> transactions. If we report and reset this counter every second, we get a 
> rudimentary live updating requests per second monitor, in about ten lines of 
> code in a workspace !
> Here is the setup:
> | transactionCount transactionsPerSecond |
> transactionCount := 0.
> transactionsPerSecond := 0 asValueHolder inspectWithLabel: 'HTTP req/s'.
> ZnLogEvent announcer 
>  when: ZnServerTransactionEvent 
>  do: [ :each | transactionCount := transactionCount + 1 ]
>  for: #transactionCountDemo.
> [ [
>  1 second asDelay wait.
>  transactionsPerSecond value: transactionCount.
>  transactionCount := 0 ] repeat ] 
>    forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority 
>    named: #transactionCountDemo.
> Then we start the server:
> ZnServer startDefaultOn: 8080.
> In a terminal, we use ab (the Apache Benchmark tool) to generate some load on 
> the server (10K requests for 1K random data, using 4 concurrent threads):
> $ ab -k -n 10240 -c 4 http://localhost:8080/random/1024
> Here is a short 2 minute screencast showing this little demo in action (be 
> sure to select the HD version):
> It starts by showing how a AnnouncementSpy can be used to monitor the server 
> starting up and handling a single request - the logging from the client is 
> visible as well. The lines in the AnnouncementSpy are not just text, but 
> full, detailed objects. We inspect and explore the same transaction from both 
> the client and server perspective. 
> Next is the demo of the live updating requests per second monitor with the 
> load described above. You can see that both our counter and ab report 
> approximately the same number: about 800-900 req/s.
> And finally, here is the cleanup code:
> ZnLogEvent announcer unsubscribe: #transactionCountDemo.
> ZnServer stopDefault.
> Process allInstances select: [ :each | each name = #transactionCountDemo ] 
> thenDo: #terminate.
> Note that by using other data elements in the ZnServerTransactionEvent we 
> could track bytes transferring in or out, rates of failure, slow requests and 
> so. There are lots of possibilities with object logging left to explore, as 
> well as lots to learn. 
> Sven

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