Le 3 sept. 2014 à 17:59, Tim Mackinnon a écrit :

> Believe me, I understand the PIA part of CI ;)
> You are right about the account though. I do have an account - so I tried 
> logging in to ci.inria.fr - and I get a dashboard to navigate down to 
> Pharo-contributions, but clicking the jenkins button for that project gives 
> me the https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/? link I’ve been used to.

Pay attention that ci.inria.fr and ci.inria.fr/<aproject> don't point to the 
same web site / host.
It means that even if you are logged in ci.inria.fr, you need to log in on 
ci.inria.fr/xxx to be able to manage jobs, see configurations, etc.
It is a bit boring, but at least, it is the same user name / password.

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