
On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 8:43 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> On 4/10/14 22:43, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi Hernán,
>  Thanks for the feedback. Just a question: Was there anything you do
> like? :)
>  The rest of the reply is inline.
> On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <
> hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Sorry if following issues were reported. I have seen so many mails
>> about GT that I wanted to try it. These are my first notes and personal
>> tastes, don't take them as negative just want to provide some feedback:
>> - First weird thing: The Workspace doesn't open a Workspace anymore, it
>> opens a Playground window.
>  That is because it is still a work in progress.
>>  - When I select code, right click gives no "Copy, Cut, Delete" commands.
>  This was reported. The menu is missing on purpose. I still have a hard
> time understanding why a developer needs those menu entries, but we will
> add them back. Btw, the shortcuts do work.
> Doru can you add sender and implementors
> because I saw that newbies are really lost when the cannot know what they
> can do.

It's done :). It took a while because we had to find a suitable code
design, but now Andrei came up with an elegant solution that does not force
us to duplicate code between the presentation, renderer and the text editor.

   - Selecting an instance variable from the "State" tab, completely shift
>> the code view and scrolls to a new Inspector. Is not that I would love to
>> scroll back everytime to get a view on my code.
>  The usage depends on the scenario in which you are. In most cases, when
> you do want to drill through many objects, you are likely to only use the
> playground as an entry point. When you build a more elaborate piece of code
> in the playground, you typically do not need to drill too much. In any
> case, if you want to scroll back, there are also keybindings that allow you
> to navigate: Cmd+Alt+Left/Right.
>>  - I cannot find how to close new Inspector tabs.
>  This is a feature that is already planned.
>>  - "Print it" seems broken. It seems to print evaluation result but
>> suddenly dissapears.
>  What do you mean? Can you elaborate on that? Print it should behave like
> here:
>>  - Debugger buttons Into, Through, etc.
>  -- They are too small and close themselves for the importance they have.
>> -- They have no caption, so you have to mouse over to know what they do
>> (until you get used to)
>> -- They are like "too distant" from the code view.
>  The debugger is not in the Pharo image, so I think you are trying the
> Moose image. Is that so?
> In any case, the positioning of the icons will be the same everywhere in
> GT (to the right of the scope they relate to). We are still fiddling with
> the right balance in the debugger.
> putting a caption would be a great point.
> why forcing people to learn icons. Icons should be there to help not to
> force learning.

The problem is that they would take too much space. This is especially
problematic when you have multiple extra actions (remember that this is
extensible). We have to come up with a different solution somehow, but we
need a bit more time.


>  Cheers,
> Doru
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
>  --
> www.tudorgirba.com
>  "Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"

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