I notice a difference between Pharo 3 & 4...

Rectangle left: 4 right: 3 top: 2 bottom: 1.
Build 30856 --> (4@2) corner: (3@1)
Build 40309 --> (3@1) corner: (4@2)

Rectangle origin: (4@1) corner: (3@2)
Build 30856 --> (4@1) corner: (3@2)
Build 40309 --> (3@1) corner: (4@2)

I remember some report of Stef and Igor fixing some Rectangle stuff, but I wasn't paying attention in detail. Is this related? What is the intent?

I noticed this reviewing the some tests added by mschepens

It seems now there is an assumption that rectangles always go from
top-left to bottom-right.  I wonder what would be the effect (in a
hypothetical application) if I am dragging a rectangular "rubber band"
(as is commonly done for selection in graphics programs) and I move the
secondary/corner point of a rectangle up and left of the first/origin

Would it be correct to say that Points and Rectangles are immutable, and
so maybe its not a problem, such that a "rubber band" selection would be
creating new rectangles each mouse move?

btw, Rectangle left: 1 right: 2 top: 3 bottom: 4.
Build 30856 --> (1@3) corner: (2@4)
Build 40309 --> (1@3) corner: (2@4)

cheers -ben

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