On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl <mailto:step...@stack.nl>> wrote:

    Marcus wrote
    > I was thinking... would it make sense to have this in the image
    by default?

    Not all my work is open source. How do I make sure I don't
    leak information?


This is an interesting problem, and I would love to hear your opinion given your experience.

The status of ShoreLine Reporter is that it stores the name of the class and the name of the method, no parameter is involved. I indeed understand that the name of the method and the trace of calls may reveal information that a user may want to keep private. As Markus said, we could filter the classes included in the stock Pharo image, but this would discard classes of projects like Voyage or Seaside. Another option could be to provide the user with a way to filter some classes, for example by matching the class name prefix.

I am the first one to dislike "Big Brother" systems, so I am particularly sensible on the matter.
What do you think?


On 27/10/14 13:22, Marcus Denker wrote:
It would need to filter and only send those traces that are part of the image.

In a later step, it would be interesting to give people the same infrastructure for their
own code, private to them.

(like those error stack trace collecting tools that are used for mobile apps)

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