In Moose/GToolkit:

Name: GT-InspectorExtensions-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.77
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 1 December 2014, 9:56:58.104994 pm
UUID: 3da8544f-909e-49c6-88a5-f944a5f13b42
Ancestors: GT-InspectorExtensions-Core-TudorGirba.76

New version of Float>>#gtInspectorFloatIn: that shows the new binary 
presentation available in Pharo 4.

Tests on availability of #binaryLiteralString so that this change should remain 
compatible with Pharo 3.

Thx Kris Gybels for this contribution.

To be merged with higher versions (this was based on the version present in 
Pharo 4 today).


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