On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Holger Freyther <hol...@freyther.de> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> I used NB to access openlog, closelog and syslog of libc and I am not sure
> if I got it right but didn’t really get further by browsing
> testcases/reading the
> examples.
> openlog(3) takes an “char *ident” as first parameter and the caller needs
> to
> make sure that the string passed remains valid until closelog is called.
> My binding looks like this:
> c_openlog: ident opt: aOpt facility: aFac
>         "openlog(const char *ident, int logopt, int facility);"
>         <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin error:
> errorCode>
>         ^self nbCall: #(void openlog(char *ident, int aOpt, int aFac))
> And I call it like this:
>         Identity := anIdentity asNBExternalString.
>         self c_openlog: Identity opt: anOption facility: aFacility.
> The things I am not sure with:
> 1.) is it right to use “char *ident” instead of “String ident”? “String”
> will copy
> the string by value but the pointer passed to openlog would be a pointer
> from
> the C callstack?

asNBExternalString will do this with a NBExternalAddress:

fromString: aString
 | result |
 result := NativeBoost allocate: aString size + 1.
(self assert: result notNil).
result writeString: aString.
^ result

writeString: aString
"write a null-terminated byte string to receiver's address"
 | str |
str := aString copyWith: (Character value: 0).
NativeBoost memCopy: str asByteArray to: self size: str size.

So, yes, it allocates heap memory

basicAllocate: numBytes
"Allocate a memory block with given size in bytes,
answer an NBExternalAddress instance - address to the beginning of memory
| addr |
addr := heap allocate: numBytes.
addr = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
 ^ NBExternalAddress value: addr

char * looks a null terminated string, which str := aString copyWith:
(Character value: 0). provides

So, asNBExternalString is compatible with the char *

> 2.) Am I right with the call to asNBExternalString?

Should work.

> 3.) How does this integrate with GC and image quit/image resume? E.g. I
> could
> use >>#freeAfterUse and if I do “Identity := nil” at some point free
> should be called
> on the old string. Is there anything in the system that sets the address
> to 0x0 after
> the image is starting?

As the thing is a NBExternalAddress, there is a

self free

which will do the "free" call when the Identity will be gc'd.

As for the statup/shutdown, maybe

startUp: resuming
shutDown: quitting

methods on the class side of your facility will do the necessary things.

I am pretty sure the address would be pointing to invalid crap upon image

Doing free too many times will just raise an error I guess (which you can

free: address

sema critical: [ | block |
block := reservedBlocks removeKey: address ifAbsent: [
self error: 'Unable to find a memory block with given address' ].
 block makeFreeFor: self ]


> thanks
>   holger

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