In MongoTalk, there is UpdateOperation.

But I can't find how one can do an update with options.

I see

Mongo>>update: origDictionary with: newDictionary collection: aString

        collection: aString
        id: self nextRequestID
        stream: stream
        originalObject: origDictionary
        newObject: newDictionary) write

But there is no room for "options"

I tried to do it with commands but wasn't able to figure out how.

In MongoShell,

  "updates": [{"$set": {"READ":true} }],
  "options": {"multi":true}

gives me "missing q parameter"

Anyone knowing how to do this?

I've also done this code:

| query what |

    query := { } asDictionary.
    what := { 'READ' -> true } asDictionary.

    Mapless currentRepository database beLogging.

    (Mapless currentRepository collection: Message) "<<- basically one gets
a Mongoclient doing the updata:with:"
        update: query
        with: {'$set' -> what } asDictionary.

Thanks for any help :-)


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