Hi Clement

I think your idea is very interesting under several perspectives, and not crazy at all .

Do you have a particular language or project in mind or is it a general question ?

Apart of what has been said by others (agree with everything - and I didn't know Helvetia, it looks great),
it could be a great  opening for Pharo, very appealing to lot of developers.
IMHO it could be extremely interesting to have Javascript or Groovy language support integrated, Those languages are often used as base scripting systems in various tools plus they have lot of users. (about tools, JS in browsers, nodejs and mongo, Groovy in Gradle, JMeter and ElasticSearch,
firsts that came in my mind).
Plus Pivotal stopped Groovy development funding few month ago, however, most of them use java interop,
may be a problem?
That may be one of the biggest problem : not the language and the compiler but the libraries,
base classes it relies upon and it's semantic.
And as Jan said, targeting for a particular system means a compatibility level ,
and "myriad of  little details ..." that are very importants

About semantics -and just for fun -  let's talk about  ruby
and javascript



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