Now I moved all (known?) shortcut definitions from
TextEditor/SmalltalkEditor action-/cmdmap to Keymappings
<keymap>pragma definitions

slice in inbox for issue 15619
Postscript: KMRepository reset.

need some testers.
please report back, what editor (TextEditor/SmalltalkEditor) and your
platform (windows/linux/mac) and the shortcut/keycombination that
did not work (or does work but not as expected).

This is only for PluggableTextMorph based TextMorphs,
(Not Rubric -> No change for Playground or Nautilus).

For testing:
PluggableTextMorph with TextEditor as a editor:

(Smalltalk ui theme builder newBasicTextEditorFor: Morph getText: #comment
setText: nil) openInWindow.

PluggableTextMorph with SmalltalkEditor as a editor:
(Smalltalk ui theme builder newTextEditorFor: (Morph>>#drawOn:) getText:
#sourceCode setText: nil) openInWindow.

Many shortcuts should work like before. some changes:
some short cuts actions had multiple shortcuts on windows/linux:
alt+key from TextEditors keymap
ctrl+key from the <keymap>-pragma
-> only one should be working now.

Ctrl+space does not work in current pharo windows vm
escape may not work for all actions

You can browse all defined shortcuts in the Keymap Browser
(Worldmenu -> System -> Keymap Browser)


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