Are you interested in some feedback for brick, or is it in a too early

2015-08-10 12:36 GMT+02:00 Aliaksei Syrel <>:

> Hi Nicolai,
> Thanks for looking into this :) Hierarchy will be optimised. Basically
> EnclosedView will gone - ProtoView will be a composition, this will remove
> code duplication and simplify addition of new functionality. After that
> rounded rectangle and rectangle will be merged. So in the end hierarchy
> will be BlProtoView -> BlView -> BlRectangle -> BrStringView ->
> BrButtonView which is simple enough.
> As Stephan said theme just provides default values and also skin for
> morph. Skin provides view and different styles for states like hovered,
> pressed, active, focused, disabled and others.
> Summarizing, with event listener any arbitrary morph can get dynamic
> behaviour on events, with skins any arbitrary morph can be deeply styled.
> Maybe it makes sense to move theme from BlProtoView to BlMorph.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On Aug 9, 2015 9:57 PM, "Nicolai Hess" <> wrote:
>> 2015-08-09 20:17 GMT+02:00 Aliaksei Syrel <>:
>>> Hi
>> Thanks for your response.
>>> Animation was copied from other project and has nothing to do with Bloc.
>>> However, it is still there for a moment. BTW, example on the class side is
>>> still morphic.
>> Yes, but  it only works in a bloc world
>>> Yes, it does not make any sense to theme CircleView and ImageView, but
>>> it makes sense to theme their subclasses, like BrButtonView. Theming
>>> mechanism is not integrated in Bloc for now.
>> But why dont we put this into a BlThemeableView ?
>> All subclasses of BlProtoView that want to support color or fillstyles,
>> now have a theme property too.
>> Why do they need a color property if the color is theme-dependent.
>> Btw. what is that strange hierarchy for BrButtonView:
>> BlProtoView -> BlView -> BlEnclosedView -> BlRectangleView ->
>> BlRoundedRectangleView -> BrRectangleView -> BrStringView -> BrButtonView
>> A BlRectangleView, a RoundedRectangleView and a BrRectangleView?
>> I think I don't understand bloc
>> Cheers,
>>> Alex
>>> On Aug 9, 2015 7:29 PM, "Nicolai Hess" <> wrote:
>>>> BlAlarmQueue
>>>> - split into two classes?
>>>>   Queue : managing the add/remove/sort
>>>>   Scheduler : process the Alarms
>>>> - alarm/alarmqueue both accessing and check the time "Time now"
>>>>   I would put both checks to, either  the alarm OR the queue/scheduler.
>>>>   And don't use "Time now" explicit, if we put this behind a method
>>>> call, we
>>>> can easily create alarm queue mocs for unit tests.
>>>> - readding periodic alarms: shouldn't this be done by the alarm itself
>>>> -  the queue should not care, whether a alarm is periodic.
>>>> Some alarm examples put the queue into the morphs property dictionary.
>>>> I could find out why
>>>> this is necessary.
>>>> Layout:
>>>> Box/Column/Row Layout and corresponding cells define a double linked
>>>> list, we already
>>>> have a DoubleLinkedList, can we use the DoubleLinkedList instead of
>>>> reimplmenting this
>>>> on the layout/cells?
>>>> Tablelayout: is this "work in progress" or abandoned? Currently it
>>>> shares much code with
>>>> the BoxLayout, but it does not look like it is working.
>>>> Theming:
>>>> #theme is a property of BlProtoView - isn't this to low level for
>>>> defining theming support?
>>>> How would you theme a CircleView or an ImageView?
>>>> Animation:
>>>> what are all these "Logics"?
>>>> animationLogic
>>>> toLogic
>>>> stepLogic and steppedLogic(!?)
>>>> ifLogic ....
>>>> Is this a software pattern ? I have never seen this before.
>>>> (For example we use "sortBlock" but not "sortLogic").
>>>> How about ValueHolder or good old "Block".
>>>> And "ifLogic" sounds like a condition, why don't we name it. ...
>>>> condition?
>>>> And putting all this "logic" into one animation class scares me.
>>>> About the class comment syntax:
>>>> - is this pillar syntax? I think this is difficult to read. Do you use
>>>> that syntax, because we
>>>> want to use a pillar as comment text and build a renderer for this or
>>>> is it to share comments between class comments and the bloc doc book,
>>>> easily?
>>>> I can help with documenting the classes but I find it difficult to see
>>>> which parts of bloc
>>>> are just tests/proof of concept or are supposed to be in the final
>>>> version. Maybe I miss the big picture?
>>>> nicolai

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