Olivier Auverlot started to port his rebol text library and it includes levenshtein distance too.

Le 13/1/16 16:50, Torsten Bergmann a écrit :
The dolphin 7 open source repo includes some contributions from Udo including
an implementation for Levenshtein distance [1]. It's a single method + test 
case and easy to

The algorithm [2] is useful to find out how close two strings are (approximate 
string matching).

There is also SoundEx [4] and SoundsLike [5] (Soundex, Double Metaphone and 
NYSIIS algorithms)
for Pharo available.

I just want to let anyone know - just in case someone works on a more "robust" 
that is also typo aware. ;)
Having custom templates [6] like in Eclipse would also be good to have in 
future Pharo code editor.

More to add to the wishlist? Damn ... Santa already passed by...

Have fun

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
[4] http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~riverdusty/SXSoundEx
[5] http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~UdoSchneider/SoundsLike
[6] http://www.tutorialspoint.com/eclipse/eclipse_code_templates.htm

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