Le 16/6/15 00:34, Nicolai Hess a écrit :

2015-06-11 10:58 GMT+02:00 Markus Schlager <m....@gmx.de <mailto:m....@gmx.de>>:

    issues opened

I added a fix for the broken lastkeystroke,but this will only work for the ActiveWorld/PasteUpMorph, not for any other

With the split of PasteUpMorph in PasteUpMorph and WorldMorph, and the change of keystroke handling (KMDispatcher), there is more to do to make this
fully work again - but I don't want to reintroduce the old keyevent
handling just to make this work again.

I would like to remove all the keystroke handling from PasteUpMorph/WorldMorph
and use only KMDispatcher.


Maybe there is another(new) way to make this "lastKeystroke"-demo?
You can open  a transcript and enable the KMLog
(KMLog setDebug. Transcript open)

Yes I do not see why the event handling would have to do something special.
It will log all(!) keyevents and print the matching keymapping actions.

Or something like this:
|m|m :=Morphnew.m openInWorld.m takeKeyboardFocus.m on:($r ctrl)do:[m color:Colorred].m on:($g ctrl)do:[m color:Colorgreen].m on:($b ctrl)do:[m color:Colorblue].

This will open a morph that changes its color on ctrl+r/g/b
So, maybe we can remove the whole "lastKeystroke" handling and make demos/examples
like the above one?
Yes :)


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