
The limit is supposed to be around 500 Mb on windows or 1 Gb for some
specifically compiled VMs. 1 Gb VM may not start on windows, you may need
to restart the computer before.

To bypass the limit the best way is to use a spur VM honestly. Spur32VMs
are limited to around 2.7Gb on Windows.

2016-02-29 18:53 GMT+01:00 Blondeau Vincent <>

> Hi,
> I am confronted with a memory issue under Windows.
> I have an image of 745Mo with a Moose model, and I cannot instantiate a 
> string of 30Mo: I get a OutOfMemoryException.
> The theoretical limit is 2Go, isn’t it?
> I have a prespur vm under a Windows 64 bits:
> Smalltalk vm version:
> 'NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid:
> 4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Dec  3 2015
> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid:
> 4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Dec  3 2015
> Commit:
> 28d077d8df494ce050ca42c97c892471e8b8740c Date: 2015-10-16 12:02:43 +0200
> By: Esteban Lorenzano <> Jenkins build #15019
> I set in Pharo.ini: AddressSpaceLimit=2000000000
> What can I do to bypass the issue?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vincent
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