> 13. 7. 2016 v 9:32, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr>:
>> On 13 Jul 2016, at 14:46, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kube...@icloud.com 
>> <mailto:juraj.kube...@icloud.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on a new configuration for GTools. 
>> What is the correct way to integrate cases with a slice? 
>> For example this one: 
>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/18471/GTTools-relies-on-hasSpecialSelector-ifTrueSetByte#BugEvent.169953
>> <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/18471/GTTools-relies-on-hasSpecialSelector-ifTrueSetByte#BugEvent.169953>
>> It has slice in Pharo60Inbox. Should I copy commits to GToolkit repository? 
> This one is not yet integrated, I submitted a slice to not have to wait for 
> GT, but with my pre-holiday stress I did not menage to actually
> get it in yet. 
> So instead you can ignore the slice and just get these changes in.

OK. I am preparing new configuration here: 
I am almost done. 
I will take care of GTool integrations. So next time there is something to 
integrate, just ping me. Anyway, i will regularly check FogBugz.

>> And how it happens that GToolkit repository has commits done by 
>> TheIntegrator?
> The auto-rewriting deprecations happen to rewrite code. This then is saved in 
> the Pharo repo and needs to be merged.
> (or if it is the latest it can just be copied).
> The same happens if changes have to be done fast or if they cross-cut many 
> packages.
> it is a bit of a mess… for the future we need a unified way to handle things… 
> the current approach with the configurations and 
> external repositories is not good.. far too slow and far too much manual work.

That’s true. It is a lot of manual work and it is also hard to know if I 
integrate it well, with all changes, etc.


>       Marcus

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