
I think I've found the bug ... Metacello intends that the zip file be downloaded to /tmp, but the code as implemented 3 years ago for Pharo was not actually downloading the file to /tmp ... thanks for pointing this out, I've created a Metacello issue for this[1] ... I will probably fix this shortly, but I'm not sure when (or if) my fix will be integrated into the Pharo-5.0 release.



On 07/21/2016 08:40 PM, Ben Coman wrote:
Just a general observation and first impression of installing a github hosted project.

After installing OSSubprocess from the Catalog Browser on Pharo 50760, which uses repository...

...I see file "" sitting next to my .image file. That would seem to dirty up that area when I start to use git more often. I'd expect that file to be placed in one of the cache folders.

cheers -ben

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