> On 02 Aug 2016, at 08:59, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi esteban
> It looks cool. For the error could you use a different one because I cannot 
> read it. 
> Else when I tried to use the same way than Setting to manage skins it did not 
> work
because theming is a lot of things: 

- a skin
- a color palette
- etc.

for now, I would be happy with extract the color palette into a “StyleSheet” 
object… this could be modified in settings (while a complete skin not).


> because a skin is not just color it can be behavior and you have to attach it 
> somewhere. 
> Now in bloc 2 :)
>     you can the look (that can be expressed with CSS)
>     and you have skins (the behavior: a date can be displayed as a calendar 
> vs. a roller). 
> In this model a theme (color) will just be similar to applying a new CSS. 
> Stef
> Le 1/8/16 à 11:13, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
>> Hi, 
>> For one of my side-projects, I made a new theme for Pharo (still no name, I 
>> was planing to call it “Dark Metal” or something like that. Is a variation 
>> on the Dark Theme but “our” dark theme is more brown and this one is more 
>> blue (see attached)… I wanted to publish it to push it but then I arrived to 
>> an unexpected problem: For Spotter and GTTools in general, theming is not 
>> done following current theming approach. Instead, they made a full hierarchy 
>> of objects. 
>> IMO this is plain bad. I understand the attempt to decouple, but now that 
>> means if I want to create a new theme, I need to create my theme object with 
>> colors I want and then also I need to create an undetermined number of 
>> classes (at least one for each tool, but there is also a hierarchy of things 
>> there)… anyway, this DOES NOT scale. Because each tool will have to have a 
>> “theme class” for each existing theme…  
>> How themes (skins, bah) work in all word is to have a color palette and then 
>> tools takes them (they can “play” a bit with this palette, but need to 
>> always respect the palette). 
>> Then, I will commit a SLICE modifying the “themer” classes to take colors 
>> from the current theme (instead of have them hardcoded). 
>> But of course, how theme work now is not good because they mix “theme” (how 
>> they display) and “skin” (color palette). I will also extract the palette to 
>> where should have always been (some kind of a style sheet object)… who also 
>> should have been editable in settings so people can tweak their 
>> configuration. 
>> I didn’t wanted to touch this before, because this will supposedly change 
>> with brick, but honestly this will not be ready for Pharo 6 and this is 
>> annoying (also, I want to publish my theme and I do not want to add 
>> overrides all around :P)
>> cheers,
>> Esteban
>> <Mail Attachment.png>

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