2016-08-04 18:39 GMT+02:00 Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymc...@me.com>:

> Hi,
> At the moment I am moving Pharo quality tools to Renraku model. This is a
> quality model that I’ve been working on and that was used so far by
> QualityAssistant.
> At the moment I’m stuck while trying to do changes in Monkey, as it is
> really hard to understand how quality checks are made there. @Guille maybe
> you can advise something.
> In the old model Rules were both checking code and storing the entities
> that violate them. In Renraku Rules are responsible only for checking, then
> for each violation they produce a critique object that is a mapping between
> the rule and the entity that violates the rule. Also critiques can provide
> plenty of additional information such as suggestion on how to fix the issue.
> At the moment we can skip the critiques altogether, just run the rules and
> store the classes and method that violate them. But at the moment I cannot
> how Monkey in implemented. I.e. where do the rules come from and what
> output should be provided.
> Cheers.
> Uko

Hi Uko,

as far as I know (from looking at the CICommandLineHandler), the
CIValidator collects a set of rules when validating an issue. Look at
CIValidator class>>#pharo60
The rules are
CISUnitTestsRule and
PharoCriticRules pharoIntegrationLintRule harden.

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