While trying to debug pillar I got a DNU when clicking on the raw pane (when the items was selected)


presentation rawSelection is aLinkedList and it does not understand key

'From Pharo 6.0 of 13 May 2016 [Latest update: #60173] on 9 August 2016 at 11:45:10.355092 am'!

!GTRawObjectVariablesBrowser methodsFor: 'private building' stamp: 'AndreiChis 4/26/2016 10:37'!
variablesIn: composite
    ^ composite table
        showOnly: 50;
        shouldValidate: false;
        allowsRecursiveSearch: false;
        children: [ :assoc |
            assoc key = 'self'
                ifTrue: [ #() ]
                ifFalse: [ self variableValuePairsFor: assoc value ] ];
        icon: [ :assoc | self iconFor: assoc value ];
        display: [ :anObject |
            self rebuildCacheFor: anObject.
            self variableValuePairsFor: anObject ];
        column: 'Variable'
evaluated: [:assoc | ' ', (GTObjectPrinter new asNonTruncatedTextFrom: assoc key) ];
        column: 'Value'
evaluated: [:assoc | GTObjectPrinter new asTruncatedTextFrom: assoc value ]
            modified: [:newValue :assoc :presentation |
self updateInstanceVariable: assoc key from: presentation entity basedOn: newValue.
                presentation update ];
        morphicSelectionAct: [:list | list selection value browse ]
            icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousBrowse
            on: $b
            entitled: 'Browse';
        morphicSelectionAct: [:list | list selection value inspect ]
            icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousInspect
            on: $i
            entitled: 'Inspect';
        selectionAct: [:list |
            ((list selection pointersToExcept: { list selection })
reject: [ :each | each pointsOnlyWeaklyTo: list selection ]) inspect ]
            on: $t
            entitled: 'Open pointers to';
        dynamicActionsOnSelection: [ :presentation |
(presentation entity class hasInstVarNamed: presentation rawSelection key)

                                                          ^^^^^^^^ here

                ifTrue: [
                        GLMGenericAction new
action: [:list | self systemNavigation browseAllAccessesTo: list rawSelection key from: list entity class ];
                                title: 'List methods using this variable'.
                        GLMGenericAction new
action: [:list | self systemNavigation browseAllStoresInto: list rawSelection key from: list entity class ]; title: 'List methods storing into this variable'.
                ifFalse: [ #() ] ]! !

'From Pharo 6.0 of 13 May 2016 [Latest update: #60173] on 9 August 2016 at 
11:45:10.355092 am'!

!GTRawObjectVariablesBrowser methodsFor: 'private building' stamp: 'AndreiChis 
4/26/2016 10:37'!
variablesIn: composite
        ^ composite table
                showOnly: 50;
                shouldValidate: false;
                allowsRecursiveSearch: false;
                children: [ :assoc | 
                        assoc key = 'self'
                                ifTrue: [ #() ]
                                ifFalse: [ self variableValuePairsFor: assoc 
value ] ];
                icon: [ :assoc | self iconFor: assoc value ];
                display: [ :anObject | 
                        self rebuildCacheFor: anObject.
                        self variableValuePairsFor: anObject ];
                column: 'Variable' 
                        evaluated: [:assoc | '  ', (GTObjectPrinter new 
asNonTruncatedTextFrom: assoc key) ];
                column: 'Value' 
                        evaluated: [:assoc | GTObjectPrinter new 
asTruncatedTextFrom: assoc value ]
                        modified: [:newValue :assoc :presentation | 
                                self updateInstanceVariable: assoc key from: 
presentation entity basedOn: newValue.
                                presentation update ];
                morphicSelectionAct: [:list | list selection value browse ] 
                        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousBrowse 
                        on: $b 
                        entitled: 'Browse';
                morphicSelectionAct: [:list | list selection value inspect ] 
                        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousInspect 
                        on: $i 
                        entitled: 'Inspect';
                selectionAct: [:list | 
                        ((list selection pointersToExcept: { list selection })
[ :each | each pointsOnlyWeaklyTo: list selection ]) inspect ] 
                        on: $t
                        entitled: 'Open pointers to';
                dynamicActionsOnSelection: [ :presentation |
                        (presentation entity class hasInstVarNamed: 
presentation rawSelection key)
                                ifTrue: [ 
                                                GLMGenericAction new 
                                                                action: [:list 
| self systemNavigation browseAllAccessesTo: list rawSelection key from: list 
entity class ]; 
                                                                title: 'List 
methods using this variable'.
                                                GLMGenericAction new 
                                                                action: [:list 
| self systemNavigation browseAllStoresInto: list rawSelection key from: list 
entity class ]; 
                                                                title: 'List 
methods storing into this variable'.               
                                ifFalse: [ #() ] ]! !

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