Just bumped into a curious thing.  I went copy a class with a pool dictionary...

FFIExternalStructure subclass: #CXString
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: 'CXStringFlag'
   package: 'Libclang'

and it asked me for the new name, to which I dutifully entered 'CXString2'
after which I was asked...
   "CXString2Flag does not exist. Do you want it automatically created?"

Choosing "No" fails the CXString copy since CXString2Flag does not exist.
Choosing "Yes" produces...

FFIExternalStructure subclass: #CXString2
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: 'CXString2Flag'
    package: 'Libclang'

So I'm curious what the reasoning is for making a parallel copy of the
pool dictionary?

And btw, CXString2Flag gets created in the "Unclassified" package and
fails to copy the methods from the original.

cheers -ben

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