I'm documenting what I'm learning in a format for a blog post that
might be the basis for something.

cheers -ben

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 3:40 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> Ben
> no stress. Now what I would love is an example that we can put in the uFFI
> chapter :)
> Stef
> Le 6/9/16 à 17:32, Ben Coman a écrit :
>> Apologies.   What a bogus post!   I must have been really tripping....
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 9:26 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> I thought I was starting to get a grip on how finalization work.  I
>>> made this example...
>>>      Object subclass: #MyObject
>>>          instanceVariableNames: ''
>>>          classVariableNames: ''
>>>          package: 'Play'
>>>      MyObject>>autoRelease
>>>         ^ self class finalizationRegistry add: self
>>>      MyObject>>finalize
>>>          Transcript crShow: 'Finalizing MyObject'
>>>      o := MyObject new autoRelease.
>>>      o := nil.
>>>      Smalltalk garbageCollect.   ==> 'Finalizing MyObject'
>>> So far so good.  Extrapolating... I would *expect* this...
>>>      oc := OrderedCollection new.
>>>      10 timesRepeat: [ oc add: Libclang getClangVersion ].
>>>      oc removeAll.
>>>      oc := nil.
>>>      Smalltalk garbageCollect.
>>> ...to print 'Finalizing MyObject' ten times, but it does nothing!!
>> Duh! I didn't send autorelease inside the timesRepeat above...
>> Duh^2 !!  that example didn't even refer to MyObject!!!!!
>> Of course fixing those two things to get...
>>      10 timesRepeat: [ oc add: MyObject new autoRelease. ].
>> works perfectly!
>>> Such a simple example feeds my naive presumption that the system seems
>>> broken. So could someone help me interpret this result ?
>> Sorry for the noise.  Pure PIBKAM**.  Couldn't see the trees for the
>> forest.
>> cheers -ben
>> **problem is between keyboard and mouse.

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