I'm seeking some support for Part 5 of my FFI tutorial

where I'm trying to replicate some C code where:
* client_data is a void pointer, and an argument to a callout function
* a reference to some data (an int, or a struct) is passed to the
callout function as the client_data
* the callout function passes that same client_data to a callback
function which casts the client-data to the required type

How can I replicate that with UFFI?  The key thing is that *any* type
can be passed via client_data.  So for a normal Pharo object defined

Object subclass: MyObject
    instanceVariables: 'x y'

myobject := MyObject new x:3 y:4.

I want to pass a reference to myobject to the callout, and in the
callback dereference client_data to get myobject that I can operate on

Is this possible with current infrastructure, or would it need
something new like FFIInternalPinnedReference to wrap myobject for the
callout and unwrap it in the callback?

cheers -ben

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