Hi Glenn. Thank's for answer.

2016-10-26 13:29 GMT+02:00 Glenn Cavarlé <glenn.cava...@gmail.com>:

> More generally, i think that, to stay consistent, Bloc should not reuse
> directly (and everywhere) some part of underlying libraries even if
> sometime
> these parts seems to match directly.

I can't take it. Duplication is always bad. There is no reason for it.

I think we just don't need OSEvent's. Real low level is SDL events
And OSSDL2WindowHandle built OSEvent's from them:

OSSDL2WindowHandle>>handleNewSDLEvent: sdlEvent

^ sdlEvent accept: self

But we can delegate this processing to osWindow

osWindow handleNewSDLEvent: sdlEvent

which then will call eventsHandler of given window.
And BlOSWindowEventHandler will work directly with SDL event with full
access to raw event data. No need for intermediate level.

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