Hi guys

I loaded the slice 15471 of werner and I run



"If the results are not these values (accounting for precision of printing)
    then something is horribly wrong"

    gen seed: 2345678901.
self assert: (((1 to: 10) collect: [:i | gen next round: 15]) = #(0.149243269650845 0.331633021743797 0.75619644800024 0.393701540023881 0.941783181364547 0.549929193942775 0.659962596213428 0.991354559078512 0.696074432551896 0.922987899707159 )).

I get the following. Is it correct?

#(0.220388752510952 0.073763451573329 0.74233059293699 0.350275491993071 0.080193927548916 0.819340314631974 0.652668019594936 0.391405332084468 0.349416343657959 0.640487859323848)

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