- Then I miss an important design point. Why datasource returns Morph?
I do not get get why a data source should return UI element. To me it violates layers.

no, because that’s its purpose: to provide the table with the cell elements (which are by definition Morphs… any kind of >>>morphs).a TableDataSource is not a spec, is the provider of cells.

so maybe TableCellSource / TableCellProvider ?

I’m not against changing its name, in general the family of names are “DataSource”, “Store”, etc. so I imagine that “Provider” fits (even if I >tend to hate names style “Manager”, “Factory”, “Provider”, because there are too generic… sometimes is that what you have :P) But is not just a “cell provider”, it does something more, is a general model of the TableMorph: it provides cells, headers and interaction >capabilities (like drag&drop)… so it is more like a "table data provider”, TableDataSource, TableStore, TableProvider are then better >names, IMO…

Please please please.
So I was always confused.

this changes will impact Pharo 7… is very good that we can have a discussion like this now, that we have the time to reach a consensus >:)


cheers -ben

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