On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 00:31:11 +0100, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 27 January 2017 at 00:06, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

accept: aVisitor
       ^ aVisitor lineSegment: self
accept: aVisitor
       ^ aVisitor closeSegment: self
accept: aVisitor
       ^ aVisitor moveSegment: self

seems to invoke methods that do not exit
I check AthensLIneSegment is used so I do not understand why the methods are broken.

this is a part of visitor api for path segments.

I know but where is the visitor?

if you remove it, then users cannot use it
for iterating trough path segments for converting them etc etc..
of course, it may be nit used by Athens itself.. but it doesn't means it is useless.

Where is the visitor? Why accept: are not packaged with it? Does it use DNU trick?
In my imagine there is no implementor of moveSegment: closeSegment:

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--Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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