Hi lukas

Nice to see you here.
I would start to look at the code and clean what is strange.

- Did you test the difference between the two algorithms?

- Did you play with NECPreferences?

- I would like to see what is the difference between the NOC class and the NECclass

- I would like to remove the link with Smalltalk tools

- I would be nice to improve the class comments.

- there are some tests for NEC but
-- are there any good? Did you read them?
- there are no tests for NOC
-- it would be nice to add tests.

Looking at the code

quickFillWithCategoriesMatching: pattern
(Smalltalk organization categoriesMatching: pattern) do: [:category | (Smalltalk organization classesInCategory: category) do: [:e | self quickFillWithClass: e]]

Smalltalk globals organization

no senders? Remove?
Class categories are an obsolete concepts so we should clean this.

NOCompletionTable comment
I keep track of symbols to be retrieved in ocompletion algorithm. Unlike ecompletion, I learn something and try to retrieve users last occurences of typing sequences first, then the system symbols which match. TODO remove stupid symbols (like packages and method extensions and timestamp)

Hello to all,

I am a student at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague and I decided to make Code Completion in Pharo the topic of my Bachelor's degree and try to >improve it.

If you have suggestions on what should change / how to change it so you would be satisfied with it, I will appreciate any input on this topic. It would mean a lot to me if you could find two minutes >and take this survey (there are only like 7 questions, so it won't take longer than those 2 minutes):




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