I moved issue to Pharo 7

2017-02-16 13:33 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:

> Hi.
> In Pharo 6 we introduced time limit for tests. Currently it is set to 1
> minute by default. And concrete test cases or single tests can redefine it
> with suitable value. There is also setting to change default limit globally
> which should help to not adopt external projects immediately if current
> limit is bad for them.
> There is issue 19105
> <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/19105/Default-time-limit-for-tests-should-be-really-small>
>  to
> make limit really small. It will set default limit for 2 seconds. Slow
> tests are already marked with bigger value. So it is safe for integration
> Here I ask for your agreement with this change. Or disagreement if there
> are good reasons to not do this.
> I hope following story will convince you that default time limit should be
> small:
> I worked on tests for new project and I got hanging tests. These tests
> were waiting for some event which not happens because of bugs. They will be
> failed after 1 minutes due to timeout.
> But when you work on code you of course do not want to wait 1 minute. So
> it always forces manual interrupt of running tests. But then you could not
> run full test suite to see all problem tests. And also it is not really
> easy to detect current running test after interrupt. You need analyze stack
> in debugger and if you just close debugger information is lost.
> So to fix it I change default timeout in each of my test cases.
> If you will work on similar code you will need same approach to
> comfortably detect and fix "synchronization" bugs.
> So this was my story. I am sure default behaviour with small time limit
> will make SUnit much better.
> Common case is that unit tests are supposed to be fast. Users expect it by
> default. And if something is going wrong fast tests should fail fast.
> When user wrote slow test it is expected to know that test is slow. And
> for such rare cases user can mark slow tests explicitly. But SUnit should
> not expect tests to be slow by default.
> I think it is really good improvement for Pharo 6. It makes TDD in Pharo
> better.
> Best regards,
> Denis

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