Hi Denis,

Can you try Seamless with GTInspector in the latest version of Pharo or
Moose and let me know if you see any slowness. Not sure how Seamless uses
GTInspector to inspect proxy objects but now as the inspector uses
FastTable by default there is no cache whatsoever.  What this means is that
the string representation shown in a FastTable presentation is recomputed
every time fast table needs to display an element in a row or column. For
example, this is the case when you scroll or when you resize the window
(all visible elements are recomputed).

In a local context the inspector is still very fast as it is. Just we
should double check that it's also the case for Seamless. If not there are
some caches that could be put into place relatively easy, either at the
level of the inspector or fast table. Just before doing this I'd like to
know if this is actually a problem.


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