I made a little experiment to get the windows listed in spotter.

[image: Inline image 1]

I have still an issue with the activation and some weird windows listed but
should be able to give you just that in a couple hours.

This is a good opportunity for me to jump into spotter extensions, thx for
the nudge  :-)


On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> A quick note on an idea that strikes me,
> I often find myself with a large number of windows open and I know I have
> a code window open previously but the task bar is a bit opaque to find it,
> and its so cheap to open a new code window from Spotter, thats what I do,
> and open yet another window, making it harder again to find any particular
> window.
> You can see the downward spiral here.
> So apart from more discipline is managing the number of windows I have open
> a passing idea is that for if an existing code window is open, Spotter
> brings that to the front rather than opening another window.  Optionally,
> if that code window is dirty, as well as bringing it to the front a fresh
> code window be opened as well, so that the two are immediately comparable.
> cheers -ben

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