Fixing a race condition in handling open sockets when forking an image. At 
first I had no clue where the problem could come from, then I spent a lot of 
time guessing at the conditions (of course, being a race condition there was no 
means to force the specific condition but I didn't know that yet).

Over all I spent about 6 weeks on this bug and finally fixed it by creating a 
new primitive to handle that specific case. I'm not sure what tools could have 
helped me as this was a rather specific problem (OSProcess). But the hardest 
problems in my experience are usually concurrency / asynchrony (e.g. race 
conditions) or bugs in libraries (where you always assume that you must have 
made a mistake, never the library).


> On 9 Mar 2017, at 12:36, Stephane Ducasse <> wrote:
> Hi guys
> During the DSU workshop we were brainstorming about what are the most 
> difficult bugs we faced and what are the conceptual tools that would have 
> helped you.
> Stef

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