Very Nice! Thank you for building it.

I started a similar project for the Bitcoin blockchain, but then I
drifted away and never got back to it.

Are you writing DAPPs?

Best regards,

Esteban A. Maringolo

2017-03-13 12:00 GMT-03:00 Santiago Bragagnolo <>:
> Hi all. Im happy to announce a pre release of the Fog ethereum driver that
> we develop in the space of an Inria project.
> It still not complete but is already usable for some experiments and simple
> projects.
> You can downloadit from
> (
> Dependencies
> RHash
>  sudo apt-get install rhash
> Solidity
>  npm install solc
> Download code
> Iceberg / Baseline
> Metacello
>     new
>     baseline: 'Fog';
>     repository:  'github://sbragagnolo/Fog:v0.1.1.1/src';
>     load.
> By hand
> You may want to use this version for having access to some scripts and
> contracts samples.
> git checkout
> git checkout v0.1.1.1
> Metacello
>     new
>     baseline: 'Fog';
>     repository: 'filetree:///path/to/git-repository/Fog/src';;
>     load.
> It's based on the standar API for javascript
> ( .
> It provides interaction with remote contracts, it do as well provides a way
> for navigating the architecture objects: blocks, transactions, accounts and
> contracts.
> I hope you find it useful.
> Feel free to fill the github issue tracker with anything you find :).
> I will come to you with some new exciting news about ethereum soon :)
> Santiago.

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