Hi Esteban, Hi all,

I am working on porting the Squeak VMProfiler to Pharo as a gsoc (I will
post a more detailed presentation about that in the mailing list later

While trying to use the profiler with the Pharo VM, I get the following
error : "PrimitiveFailed : primitive #primitiveExecutableModules in
VMProfilerLinuxSymbolsManager failed". (see stack trace attached).

This plugin (VMProfileLinuxSupportPlugin) does not seem to be included by
default in the Pharo VM (it works with a Squeak VM). I haven't tried on a
mac, but I guess the plugin (VMProfileMacSupportPlugin) is missing too.

For the moment, I am using the latest Squeak VM with my Pharo image but it
is not quite convenient. Would it be possible to include the 2 plugins to
the Pharo VM ?

If I can be of any help, just tell me


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