On 23 June 2017 at 18:56, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> But btw note, IIUC the bootstrap hasn't got a far as programatically
> creating an empty file and writing nil,true,false to it yet (if ever?).
> You will always be starting with a minimal.image rather than an empty.image.

This should be fine for me. I imagine importing some images as binaries and
then writing a Nix expression to customize those e.g. adding packages,
running some code, etc.

Just for my own purposes I am not too concerned about bloat or
bootstrapping. I would be fine to build on the standard Pharo 6 or Moose
6.1 image. I mostly want to add my own packages, and their dependencies,
and make minor customizations (e.g. by default have the Spotter, etc, only
show the application domain and not the Smalltalk universe.)

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