Is there a way for this to get back into 6.1 - so we can shoot for a stable 6.x 
version that will last us for a year while 7.x is under development?

I’m not familiar with how point release are handled in Pharo, and I get the 
impression that this is going to be a slightly rockier year as there have been 
some pretty revolutionary changes made to get us here.

As its a vm change does this mean we get 6.2 queued up somehow?


> On 13 Aug 2017, at 20:12, Stephane Ducasse <> wrote:
> Tx eliot.
> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:55 AM, Eliot Miranda <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Andrei,
>> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 3:02 AM, Andrei Chis <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was executing this code  '(2009/2000) ** (3958333/100000)' with the
>>> Pharo6.1 distribution and the vm crashed with she stack attached below.
>>> Tried it on both mac and windows 10.
>>> Seems that #raisedTo: has a special case for fractions that ends up
>>> calling #nthRoot: like '2009 nthRoot: 100000' leading to the crash.
>> The plugin is now fixed; see VMMaker.oscog-eem.2262.  I'll generate code
>> soon (am debugging something you're familiar with that takes several hours
>> to run and don't want to generate sources while it's running).  But I'm glad
>> you've found a better way!  This case creates 600k byte large integers and
>> takes forever to run :-)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andrei
>>> 0xaddeac M LargePositiveInteger(Integer)>quo: 0x314093e8: a(n)
>>> LargePositiveInteger
>>> 0xaddec8 M LargePositiveInteger(LargeInteger)>quo: 0x314093e8: a(n)
>>> LargePositiveInteger
>>> 0xaddee8 M LargePositiveInteger(Integer)>// 0x314093e8: a(n)
>>> LargePositiveInteger
>>> 0xaddf04 M LargePositiveInteger(LargeInteger)>// 0x314093e8: a(n)
>>> LargePositiveInteger
>>> 0xaddf34 I LargePositiveInteger(Integer)>nthRootTruncated: 0x30cc8350:
>>> a(n) LargePositiveInteger
>>> 0xaddf5c I LargePositiveInteger(Integer)>nthRootRounded: 0x30cc8350: a(n)
>>> LargePositiveInteger
>>> 0xaddf88 I SmallInteger(Integer)>nthRoot: 0xfb3=2009
>>> 0xaddfb4 I Fraction>nthRoot: 0x4f9a940: a(n) Fraction
>>> 0xaddfd8 I Fraction(Number)>raisedTo: 0x4f9a940: a(n) Fraction
>>> 0xaddffc I Fraction(Number)>** 0x4f9a940: a(n) Fraction
>>> 0xade018 M UndefinedObject>DoIt 0x5fe5d00: a(n) UndefinedObject
>>> 0xade048 I OpalCompiler>evaluate 0x4f9a998: a(n) OpalCompiler
>>> 0xade074 I RubSmalltalkEditor>evaluate:andDo: 0x305e5878: a(n)
>>> RubSmalltalkEditor
>>> 0xade09c I RubSmalltalkEditor>highlightEvaluateAndDo: 0x305e5878: a(n)
>>> RubSmalltalkEditor
>>> 0xade0b8 M
>>> GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer(GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer)>popupPrint
>>> 0x3062fdc8: a(n) GLMMorphicPharoScri
>>> enderer
>>> 0xade0d8 I MorphicAlarm(MessageSend)>value 0x4f9ab20: a(n) MorphicAlarm
>>> 0xade0f4 M MorphicAlarm>value: 0x4f9ab20: a(n) MorphicAlarm
>>> 0xade114 M WorldState>triggerAlarmsBefore: 0x71bb5e0: a(n) WorldState
>>> 0xade140 M WorldState>runLocalStepMethodsIn: 0x71bb5e0: a(n) WorldState
>>> 0xade164 M WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 0x71bb5e0: a(n) WorldState
>>> 0xade180 M WorldMorph>runStepMethods 0x6ab7778: a(n) WorldMorph
>>> 0xade198 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 0x71bb5e0: a(n) WorldState
>>> 0xade1b4 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 0x71bb5e0: a(n) WorldState
>>> 0xade1d0 M WorldMorph>doOneCycle 0x6ab7778: a(n) WorldMorph
>>> 0xade1e8 M WorldMorph class>doOneCycle 0x6a9f960: a(n) WorldMorph class
>>> 0xade200 M [] in MorphicUIManager>spawnNewProcess 0x2cc88718: a(n)
>>> MorphicUIManager
>>> 0xade220 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 0x2f178150: a(n) BlockClosure
>> --
>> _,,,^..^,,,_
>> best, Eliot

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