I avoid get/set prefixes in method selectors, however it is a "good
practice pattern" the use of the "set" prefix as a private accessor.

I use it to build initialized instances,

MyClass class>>#attribute: anObject
  ^self new setAttribute: aString

In some cases MyClass doesn't have the `#attribute:` setter because
it's not meant to be modified externally.

In the case of the `name` setter for a class, adding the `class`
prefix is redundant, so I think that `setName:` is the right selector
to use.

It's like the Clipboard class, that has the `clipboardText:` selector
instead of `text:` or something similar, but without the redundant
`clipboard` prefix.

But without diverting from the main topic, I think that the `name`
accessor is one of the things that causes a lot of trouble because of
unanticipated side effects. It indirectly becomes some sort of
"reserved word" of the language.

Also `name` is a common property in many domain objects, and creating
the accessors will create name:/name1 selectors, which is confusing
for newcomers as well, because they'd expect the #name getter instead
of #name1.


Esteban A. Maringolo

2017-08-21 9:42 GMT-03:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:
> its inconsistent to start using (set) in front of the name of methods and
> unnecessary
> className:
> makes more sense to me
> Another way to do this instead have something like classMetaData which can
> be a dictionary containing all the data like name of the class, method
> dictionary etc this way we ensure that what happened with name does not
> happen with other methods too that may find themselves in a name conflict by
> an unaware user.
> Or we can provide both ways or something else.
> Class name has caused me pain too and I am no newbie , when I was making an
> API for Blender it clashed with the name of the 3d objects. So this is
> definitely not newbie orientated problem , its a fundamental problem.
> I dont mind which solution you guys follow , afterall its easy to solve
> cause its easy to override any solution I don't like. The beauty of
> Smalltalk :)
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 11:05 AM Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr>
> wrote:
>> > On 20 Aug 2017, at 23:48, Brad <bsselfri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I vote for setClassName:
>> >
>> setName: is better because this is what is there since many many years…
>> and by just using it
>> we must need to deprecate one method, not two.
>>         Marcus

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