Hi Sven

2017-11-07 21:35 GMT+01:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:

> Like I said in another email, for example STON adds methods to Class,
> MetaClass and ClassDescription *Traits*. Now it has to add to the classes
> itself (right ?). So a single code base cannot deal with Pharo 7 and older
> version without splitting. I like to keep simple projects like STON simple
> (Seaside is huge in comparison and deals with this stuff all the time and
> already has the complex infrastructure for it).

I think it should not be problem for compatibility. Because with flattening
you will just has duplication of code for classes and traits but classes
and traits existed in Pharo all the time. So flattened version of STON will
correctly work in older Pharo's.

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