
I want to know the path from a given point in a path
for example

asFileReference path
relativeToPath: (Path /

should give me 'Chapters/Scheme.pillar'

as in the example in the method

(Path / 'griffle' / 'plonk' / 'nurp')
   relativeToPath: (Path / 'griffle')
      returns  plonk/nurp

But I got

 Path * '..' / 'Users' / 'ducasse' / 'Workspace' / 'FirstCircle' /
'MyBooks' / 'Bk-Writing' / 'PharoBooks' / 'Booklet-AMiniSchemeInPharo'
/ 'Chapters' / 'Scheme.pillar'

and I do not understand. I can do it doing string manipulation but it defeats
the purpose to have a nice library.

Any hints?


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