
> On 19 Feb 2018, at 02:33, Sean P. DeNigris <> wrote:
> Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>> What do you think ?
> Could #emptyFieldValue: accept a block instead of the actual value? Or be
> per-field? Or both? Then the default could still be set via the current
> mechanism, keeping the usual API simple, but the user would have a bit more
> control.

Have a look at the following:

Name: Neo-CSV-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.27
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 19 February 2018, 10:28:24.688684 pm
UUID: a08d6c1c-f921-0d00-aaa4-29b9044088b7
Ancestors: Neo-CSV-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.26

Add special option #passNil for NeoCSVReader>>#emptyFieldValue: so that 
converter blocks do get nil passed in for empty/missing fields and can act 

Add NeoCSVReaderTests>>#testEmptyFieldValuePassNil
Name: Neo-CSV-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.24
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 19 February 2018, 10:28:03.52381 pm
UUID: 1598291b-f921-0d00-aaa3-c7c0044088b7
Ancestors: Neo-CSV-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.23

Add special option #passNil for NeoCSVReader>>#emptyFieldValue: so that 
converter blocks do get nil passed in for empty/missing fields and can act 

Add NeoCSVReaderTests>>#testEmptyFieldValuePassNil

Now you can do as follows:

| date1 date2 |
date1 := '1900-01-01' asDate.
date2 := '2000-12-31' asDate.
  assert: ((NeoCSVReader on: 
'date1,date2\2018-01-01,2018-02-01\2018-01-01,\,2018-02-01\\' withCRs 
    emptyFieldValue: #passNil;
    addFieldConverter: [ :input | input ifNil: [ date1 ] ifNotNil: [ input 
asDate ] ];
    addFieldConverter: [ :input | input ifNil: [ date2 ] ifNotNil: [ input 
asDate ] ];
equals: (Array 
    with: (Array with: '2018-01-01' asDate with: '2018-02-01' asDate)
    with: (Array with: '2018-01-01' asDate with: date2)
    with: (Array with: date1 with: '2018-02-01' asDate)
    with: (Array with: date1 with: date2)).

Note how the first field's default empty value is now date1 and second field's 
is date2.


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