Le 06/03/2018 à 17:05, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :
> Hi.
> With latest version of Commander and Calypso we will have all shortcuts
> explorable and configurable in Settings Browser:
> ​
> Currently it uses command class name and class comment for presentation.
> We can improve it in future if necessary.
> In addition you can add single shortcut to your own application
> settings. For example:
>     MyApp class>>appSettingsOn: aBuilder
>         <systemsettings>
>         ann := ClySpawnFullBrowserCommand classAnnotationAt:
>     #browserShortcutActivation.
>         (ann buildSettingNodeOn: aBuilder)
>            label: 'My app shortcut';
>            description: 'This command opens browser'
> Shortcut settings are persisted as all other settings. Only redefined
> shortcuts are stored into the file.
> This version also allows to add commands into the world menu and world
> shortcuts. Just use CmdWorldMenuContext for command annotations:
>     CmdOpenFamilyBookCommand class>>worldMenuActivation
>       <classAnnotation>
>       ^CmdContextMenuCommandActivation byRootGroupItemFor:
>     CmdWorldMenuContext 
>     CmdOpenFamilyBookCommand class>>globalShortcutActivation
>       <classAnnotation>
>       ^CmdShortcutCommandActivation by: $o meta, $f meta for:
>     CmdWorldMenuContext 
> (CmdOpenFamilyBookCommand is a command from Commander-Examples package).
> Nice detail: all shortcuts are updated immediately when you modify
> annotations either from settings or programmatically from browser. 
> Now pull request for Pharo 7
> <https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/1037> is waiting
> integration. Soon it will be inside.
> Best regards,
> Denis


This is really cool :)

Indeed, for the Pharo release it would be much much better to have a
titles instead of method selectors to display.

Also, maybe we could have a way to group shortcut settings. Because
latter if Commander is more used, we should have "Editor shortcuts",
"Debugger shortcuts", "Iceberg shortcuts"...

Thank you for the work!

Cyril Ferlicot

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