Now I know the reason for the crashes. I did a lot of log writing when
creating my reports (they use OSSubprocess).
This was only for debugging. Removing them removed the problem. OSProcess
and OSSubprocess are not guilty :-)

I can crash the image with this (try several times)
(in /opt/local/bin/convert there is imagemagick):

1000 timesRepeat: [
| theFileName theStream thePath theFullPathAndFilename isFileNew |
OSSUnixSubprocess new
shellCommand: '/opt/local/bin/convert -background white -alpha remove
-density 200
thePath := '/data/db/'  asFileReference.
thePath exists
ifFalse: [ thePath createDirectory ].
theFileName := 'HALLO_' , Date today yyyymmdd , '.txt'.
theFullPathAndFilename := ('/data/db/'  , theFileName) asFileReference .
theFullPathAndFilename asFileReference exists
ifTrue: [ isFileNew := false.
theStream := MultiByteFileStream oldFileNamed: theFullPathAndFilename.
theStream position: theStream size.
theStream crlf ]
ifFalse: [ isFileNew := true.
theStream := MultiByteFileStream newFileNamed: theFullPathAndFilename ].
[ isFileNew
ifTrue: [ theStream
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
nextPutAll: Time now printString;
crlf ].
theStream nextPutAll:'' ]
ensure: [ theStream close ].

2018-03-07 2:16 GMT+01:00 David T. Lewis <>:

> On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 11:49:14AM +0100, Sabine Manaa wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can report the following:
> >
> > The problem with the Buffer overflow remains also with OSProcess.
> > Also with the normal vm ( ).
> >
> > Summary: I have buffer overflow crashes with my application on Linux.
> > The same code runs without problems on MacOS and on Windows.
> > I have the same test data/database and do exactly the same.
> >
> > The problem occurs only after calling several times
> OSProcess/OSSubprocess.
> > This is the reason why I first had a suspicion that OSSubprocess is
> > responsible for the crashes.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me how to proceed to find the reason for the buffer
> > overflow?
> > There is no PharoDebug.log
> >
> > Help is very appreciated!
> >
> > This is the message when terminating:
> >
> > root@Pharo_ubuntu_16:/spf/build# ./pharo Pharo-Productive-SPF.image
> > --no-quit
> >
> > SmalltalkImageInstanceID class>>startUp*** buffer overflow detected ***:
> > /spf/build/pharo-vm/lib/pharo/5.0-201707201942/pharo terminated
> >
> What is class SmalltalkImageInstanceID? I have a Pharo 6.1 image, and I
> am running on Ubuntu. I loaded OSProcess to check this out, but I am not
> sure what that #startUp message is doing.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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