That's my bad, apparently when I transferred ownership to Esteban I forgot
to remove the moderation role from my bot Lighthouse.

I also made the stupid mistake to post security tokens inside the source of
the bot I published in github.

Unfortunately I cannot remove the bot because moderation roles can only be
removed by the owner which in this case is Esteban.

I have removed all the webhooks from our server , you guys will have to
recreate them because obviously their credential are now exposed and have
to be changed and Esteban will have to ban the bot and remove its
application authorisation.

My apologies for this very stupid mistake, completely my fault , I thought
I had added in my gitignore the module that contained the security
credentials so it would not be included in the git repo , apparently I did

I always hated web dev with a vengeance , now I have one more reason to do
so :D

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 9:09 AM Clément Bera <> wrote:

> Yeah it's been down for already 11 hours or something like that.
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 3:12 AM, Sean P. DeNigris <>
> wrote:
>> Vincent.Blondeau wrote
>> >
>> I confirm this doesn't work. Clicking Accept leads to an error.
>> -----
>> Cheers,
>> Sean
>> --
>> Sent from:
> --
> Clément Béra
> Pharo consortium engineer
> Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650
> <,+avenue+Halley+59650%C2%A0+Villeneuve+d+Ascq&entry=gmail&source=g>Villeneuve
> d
> <,+avenue+Halley+59650%C2%A0+Villeneuve+d+Ascq&entry=gmail&source=g>
> 'Ascq
> <,+avenue+Halley+59650%C2%A0+Villeneuve+d+Ascq&entry=gmail&source=g>

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