Hi Sven,

> On Mar 12, 2018, at 10:46 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> On 12 Mar 2018, at 17:22, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Javier,
>>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 11:14 AM, Javier Pimás <elpochodelage...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Ok, now I moved forward but cannot load vmmaker sources into a pharo 61 
>>> image, is that supported?
>> Both Clément and I use Squeak for vm development at the moment.  We don't 
>> have the cycles to keep it working in both as yet.
> Which is a pity for a VM that is called Open Smalltalk. 
> The net result is that you are missing out on a much larger base of curious 
> developers and potential contributors.

Agreed.  But it is hopefully only temporary.  The package did load in Pharo a 
few years ago, and the prospect of using GT tools is an incentive for getting 
this working again.  As the multiple bytecode set support stabilizes in both 
Squeak and Pharo I expect it to get easier to maintain VMMaker.oscog in both 
dialects.  VMMaker.oscog had to contain many patches to support the CM 
development of the SistaV1 bytecode set, and the load failure Javier is seeing 
is related to this.  As time allows I am eliminating these patches.  So 
hopefully it'll load in Pharo soon.

>>> I have this snippet that doesn't work:
>>> Metacello new
>>>        filetreeDirectory: '../VMMaker/mc';
>>>        baseline: 'Spur';
>>>        load
>>> where ../VMMaker/mc is a clone of the official pharo repo at github.
>>> Cheers,
>>> pocho
>>> -- 
>>> Javier Pimás
>>> Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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