Hi Sven,

in that process, how does one rewrite StandardFilestream subclasses?



2018-05-09 11:51 GMT+02:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> Hi,
> I created the following:
> https://pharo.manuscript.com/f/cases/21858/Cleanup-remaining-DeprecatedFileSystem-users
> This is an umbrella issue, please create sub issues for each set of changes. 
> It is better to work step by step.
> The package DeprecatedFileSystem contains classes that should no longer be 
> used, the most important being
> FileStream, StandardFileStream and MultiByteFileStream
> MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream and RWBinaryOrTextStream
> Alternatives exist by using FileSystem's FileReference as well as File and 
> various new (Zn) streams.
> Let's all work together to make this real. It is important that the image 
> itself makes correct use of ongoing refactoring efforts. We already took 
> great steps, but there is more work to do. Note that in many cases, using 
> code can and should be simplified, removing ugly hacks where possible.
> Feel free to discuss any issues on the ML.
> Sven

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