Hi Ben,

Interesting find.

2018-06-08 14:29 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
> I bumped into a paper "Empirical Analysis of Programming Language Adoption"
> that I thought might be of interest to others since we'd like to increase
> Pharo's mindshare. (http://sns.cs.princeton.edu/docs/asr-oopsla13.pdf)
> TLDR; my top three take outs were...
> Figure 5 indicates that simple syntax and languages features don't attract
> new users, and of the things we can control the most important are...
> performance, portability and development speed.

This is interesting, and they also insist in the paper that
developpers do not care that much about the semantics of what they

> Figure 12 suggests a strategy to promote useful libraries rather than
> language features.  I guess that might best take take the form blogs showing
> the use of libraries.

And have librairies that are really usefull...

A possible strategy then would be a stable, clean core, and librairies
that really make a difference.

> Table 7 makes and interesting assertion that static types are more important
> for readability than preventing bugs.

This one is in line with Dan Luu meta-study that static typing catches
at best a small proportion of bugs.

Note that this is used in Smalltalk, when you write anInteger, aString
: you're using a form of typing for documentation.

By the way, I wrote for fun a small metalink-based run-time
type-checker using method argument names. To be used when running unit
tests :)



> cheers -ben
> P.S. Then I bumped into "Toward Semantic Foundations for Program Editors"
> (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.08694.pdf)
> which was over my head but I guess it might be interesting to people working
> in UI area.

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