On 19/06/2018 09:06, Norbert Hartl wrote:

>> We can agree that there is no hard rule on versionning, do we? But I
>> try to follow the following guidelines (delta my own interpretation
>> that adds some subjectivity :P)
>> - Major Version will change when we break backwards compatibility
>> - Minor Version will change when new features are added
>> - Otherwise, patch version will change.
> There is only one hard rule for me and that is knowing about the risk to
> take. So if we take the patch version it should only include important
> bug fixes and nothing else. I would argue that only #864, #862, #858 and
> #854 qualify for such a patch if at all. Not sure about #860 because the
> title is not specific enough. 
> The point for me is that I want my project to rely on something like
> 1.1.x because I don’t want anything to change that breaks my software.
> And I can tell you that most developers underestimate the side-effects
> of changes. 

+1 to this.

Only by introducing a new feature you MUST increment the minor version.

>> Now, this is the kind of subjective topic that starts a flamewar, but
>> I’d prefer to use my time on somewhat else ^^.
> You may not like to talk about these things but I do. And you should
> listen. I have no use for an environment where people only care about
> coding new cool stuff.
> If it would be like this I would quit all my
> pharo businesses, move to mainstream and would use pharo only for
> hobbyist projects because that would be the level that can be met.

I've used commercial Smalltalks before Pharo and VW for the last year,
and although they're _ages_ behind some of the "modern" stuff in Pharo,
they never compromise version semantics regarding these things.

And if I give it a second thought I can point to other open-source
non-smalltak big projects/libraries which are also cool but also follow
strict versioning, and being bigger the cascade effect of changing
artifacts semantics is way bigger.

Please take this comment with a grain of salt, it's not a critic of all
the work done in Iceberg or other projects, but it seems that these kind
of "meta" (aka "PM", "strategy", or anything non-coding) discussions are
avoided or muted, and they shouldn't.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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